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Results of the IOF calcium survey in Costa Rica and Panama published in Nutrición Hospitalaria

The results of the first survey to be conducted in Central America using the IOF calcium calculator have been published.
'Evaluation of calcium intake in Costa Rica and Panama with the International Osteoporosis Foundation calcium calculator' was published as an original paper in the January-February issue of the journal Nutrición Hospitalaria.
Abstract: Adequate calcium intake is essential throughout the life course. Despite this, global calcium intake is deficient. In Central America there is little data on the subject. The aim of this study was to assess daily calcium intake in the adult population of Costa Rica and Panama in order to raise awareness of the importance of calcium intake for the prevention of osteoporosis and fragility fractures. To this end, a survey was conducted among the adult population (> 18 years) in both countries. In those subjects who agreed to be surveyed, a questionnaire specifically designed for the study was administered with demographic, lifestyle and dietary information, while the International Osteoporosis Foundation (IOF) calcium calculator was used to quantify their calcium intake. The study included 1189 participants, 50% of whom were men. Median calcium intake was 862 mg/d (RIC: 650.5 to 1115) in Costa Rica and 825.5 mg/d (RIC: 579.75 to 1029.2) in Panama. Significant differences were found between calcium intake and age group in Costa Ricans, while in the Panamanian population differences in calcium intake were found according to educational level.
Authors: Diana Montiel-Ojeda, Sonia Cerdas, Patricia Clark, Mónica Caló, Sofía Wullich, Ramiro Da Silva Llibre, Joan Levin Ford
Dr Sonia Cerdas, Costa Rican endocrinologist, member of the IOF Regional Council for Latin America and co-author of the paper stated:
"This article in the journal Nutrición Hospitalaria is an achievement for all of us who worked on the survey. The publication of its results is part of the dissemination and awareness-raising strategy we have set ourselves as authors to increase calcium intake in both countries."
Find out more about the survey in Costa Rica and Panama and its results in Spanish at:
About Hospital Nutrition
Nutrición Hospitalaria was born as a continuation of the SENPE Bulletin (1981-1983) and the SENPE Journal (1984-1985). Throughout its almost 40 years of existence, it has adapted to the rhythms and demands set by the scientific community and the trends in editorial processes. Its content covers the fields of nutrition and food sciences. The journal is indexed in several databases such as PubMed, Scielo, Embase, Medline, IBECS, SENIOR, MEDES, etc.