The IOF welcomes applications from osteoporosis-related patient , medical and scientific societies, as well as organizations and universities with an interest in advocating for bone health, promoting patient empowerment, and supporting research and education of health professionals, to join the Committee of National Societies (CNS).
Dr Jiwa is President and CEO of Osteoporosis Canada. She holds a Master’s Degree in Health Administration from the Department of Health Policy, Management and Evaluation from the University of Toronto, a Doctorate of Chiropractic from the Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College in Toronto, as well as an Honours Bachelor of Science, Genetics and Psychology from the University of Toronto. Dr Jiwa is the former Provincial Osteoporosis Co-ordinator charged with rolling out all aspects of the annual Ontario Osteoporosis Strategy and a former Program Consultant for the Acute Services Division of the Ministry of Health. She is currently a Board member of the International Osteoporosis Foundation (IOF).
Şansın Tüzün is Professor of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation at Istanbul University- Cerrahpaşa. She is the founder member and president of the Turkish Osteoporosis Society, and Secretary General of the Osteoporosis Patient Society of Turkey. Professor Tüzün is a Fracture Liaison Service (FLS) mentor and National FLS Coordinator in Turkey. She is also a member of the Board of the European Society for Clinical and Economic Aspects of Osteoporosis, Osteoarthritis and Musculoskeletal Diseases (ESCEO), and member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the International Osteoporosis Foundation (IOF) and ESCEO. Professor Tüzün has been recognized for her achievements through the IOF President’s Award, and the ESCEO Medal of Excellence.
Teréza Hough became the CEO of NOFSA in 2003 and joined the Committee of National Societies that same year. She has 14 years of experience as a Technologist in charge of the DXA lab at Tygerberg Hospital. Teréza also spent 14 years serving as an Educational Officer and Editor of the NOFSA Newsletter. Furthermore, she has 15 years of experience as a Study-coordinator and DXA operator in various drug trials. Teréza Hough's qualifications include Diplomas in General Nursing and Midwifery from Tygerberg Hospital, as well as a BA (Communication and Industrial Psychology) from UNISA.
She has also taken on several responsibilities within the IOF, including in the Capture the Fracture® Governance, the Regional Advisory Council for Africa, and the BOHEG Working group of the WHO-ESCEO-IOF Initiative. More recently, she was elected as a member of the IOF Board of Trustees representing Africa.
By joining you will actively take part in IOF’s global network dedicated to osteoporosis, fragility fractures and musculoskeletal disorders.
Members in the IOF network represent a broad range of related interests, including bone health, healthy ageing, women’s health, skeletal rare diseases, musculoskeletal diseases, nutrition, noncommunicable diseases, patient care, diagnosis, treatment, prevention, rehabilitation, sports activity, healthy living, wellbeing, fall prevention, mobility and healthy mobility.
Membership categories and fees:
Full member: fully established organization working within the framework of the IOF with its main interest in musculoskeletal disorders and registered as a not-for-profit organization.
• Annual fee: 600 CHF for high income countries / 300 CHF for low income countries (based on World Bank Classification)
Associate member: existing or newly established organization, registered as a not-for-profit organization with a main interest in bone or musculoskeletal health or in other health issues.
• Free membership
Allied member: organization with an interest in bone health and related diseases, women’s health or related issues and not registered as a not-for-profit organization (i.e. hospital dept, volunteers’ club, community groups) or a university department or research unit.
Click here to find out more or to apply to become a member of the IOF University Network.
• Free membership
Voting rights at the CNS Committee elections |
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Eligibility for CNS chairmanship or other CNS elections |
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Free registrations for your members to the annual WCO-IOF-ESCEO congress (*up to 20 for Full members and up to 10 for Associate & Allied members) |
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Free booth at the CNS Village at the annual WCO-IOF-ESCEO congress and opportunity to win the IOF Best CNS Village Booth Award |
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2 nights’ accommodation coverage for one Society representative for participation at the CNS Village and the CNS Day / 1-night coverage for one Society representative for participation at the CNS Day to support participation to the WCO-IOF-ESCEO annual congress |
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Up to 2 free registrations for your members to the IOF Regional Osteoporosis Conferences |
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Eligible to apply for IOF Grants and Awards linked to the IOF operations |
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Eligible for IOF financial support for local Meetings |
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Opportunity to receive the IOF CNS medal Award |
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Promotion of your national activities through the IOF network, the IOF calendar of events and IOF communication channels |
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Access to an exclusive resources hub including education, advocacy and policy resources (Risk Check available in 36 languages, World Osteoporosis Day, OE course, SRD course, Audits, Capture the Fracture initiative etc.) |
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Opportunity to organize the IOF flagship training courses in your country: Osteoporosis Essentials of Densitometry, Diagnosis and Management course (international IOF-ISCD course) and SRD course |
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Promotion and networking opportunities on the IOF Connect Facebook group |
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IOF endorsement for local Meetings |
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Free access to scientific journals including Osteoporosis International, Calcified Tissue International and Archives of Osteoporosis |
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For further information about the membership, download the membership brochure.
To apply for membership, complete the membership application form. Universities are requested to complete the CNS University Network application form.
Applications form should be sent by email to
The Committee of Scientific Advisors (CSA) is the medical and scientific community of the International Osteoporosis Foundation (IOF). It's comprised of 183 global experts in the field of osteoporosis and musculoskeletal health.
The objectives of the CSA are to:
- Advise the Board in all scientific matters related to IOF
- Further the clinical and research objectives of IOF, including through Working Groups
- Support national policy changes relating to bone, muscle and joint health
- Provide recommendations for practice in the care of osteoporosis on a global scale
Eugene McCloskey is Professor of Adult Bone Diseases, Mellanby Centre for Bone Research, University of Sheffield, and Director of the Medical Research Council Versus Arthritis Centre for Integrated research in Musculoskeletal Ageing ( His roles comprise a combination (50:50) of clinical and academic positions.These include being past President of the Bone Research Society, UK, Chair of the Royal Osteoporosis Society Research Academy Effectiveness Working Group, Board Member of the IOF and ESCEO, and a member of the ECTS Clinical Practice Action Group. As a member of the National Osteoporosis Guidance Group (NOGG) in the UK, he has helped integrate fracture risk assessment with clinical management. He has published approximately 360 original articles in research areas encompassing the treatment of cancer-associated osteolysis, osteoporosis and Paget’s disease, vertebral fracture definition, non-invasive skeletal assessments and the development of the FRAX fracture risk assessment tool. His commitment to clinical and research developments in the field has been recognised by the award of the 2018 ECTS Philippe Bordier Clinical Award.
Etienne Cavalier is currently Professor of Clinical Chemistry at the University of Liege and Head of the Department of Clinical Chemistry of the University Hospital of Liege (CHU de Liège).
He graduated as Master in Pharmaceutical sciences in 1994 and Advanced Master in Clinical biology in 1999 from the University of Liege (Belgium), which allowed him to be recognized as a European Specialist in Laboratory Medicine (EuSpLM). In 2010, he obtained his PhD thesis at the University of Liege.
His current research topics are bone markers, vitamin D, PTH, vascular calcification markers, markers of acute kidney diseases, glomerular filtration rate (estimation, biomarkers), markers of frailty and sarcopenia, LC-MS/MS methods for steroids and peptides quantification.
Etienne Cavalier is the actual President of the Royal Belgian Society of Laboratory Medicine and is the Chairman of the IFCC-IOF Committee for bone markers. He is also member of the Board of the European Society for Clinical and Economic Aspects of Osteoporosis, Osteoarthritis and Muskuloskeletal Disesaes (ESCEO) and of the Belgian Bone Club. He is member of the scientific advisory board of the International Osteoporosis Foundation (IOF) and ESCEO as well as member of various Societies of Clinical chemistry, Nephrology and Endocrinology.
- Bo Abrahamsen (Denmark)
- Giovanni Adami (Italy)
- Donato Agnusdei (Italy)
- Kristina Åkesson (Sweden)
- Nasser Al-Daghri (Saudi Arabia)
- Athanasios Anastasilakis (Greece)
- Douglas C. Bauer (USA)
- Alberto Bazzocchi (Italy)
- Charlotte Beaudart (Belgium)
- Zhanna Belaya (Russia)
- Gerolamo Bianchi (Italy)
- John P. Bilezikian (USA)
- Neil C. Binkley (USA)
- Emmanuel Biver (Switzerland)
- Robert Blank (USA)
- Jean-Jacques Body (Belgium)
- Fredrik Borgström (Sweden)
- Mary L. Bouxsein (USA)
- Maria Luisa Brandi (Italy)
- Olivier Bruyère (Belgium)
- Fanny Buckinx (Belgium)
- Björn Buehring (Germany)
- Bruno Muzzi Camargos (Brazil)
- Claudia Campusano (Chile)
- Jorge B. Cannata-Andia (Spain)
- John Carey (Ireland)
- Etienne Cavalier (Belgium)
- Sonia Cerdas (Costa Rica)
- Ding-Cheng (Derrick) Chan (Taiwan)
- Marlene Chakhtoura (Lebanon)
- Manju Chandran (Singapore)
- Roland Chapurlat (France)
- Angela Cheung (Canada)
- Thierry Chevalley (Switzerland)
- Patricia Clark (Mexico)
- Bart Clarke (USA)
- Cyrille Confavreux (France)
- Cyrus Cooper (UK)
- Fidencio Cons Molina (Mexico)
- Bernard Cortet (France)
- Alfonso Cruz-Jentoft (Spain)
- Elizabeth Curtis (UK)
- Bess Dawson-Hughes (USA)
- Pierre Delanaye (Belgium)
- Elaine Dennison (UK)
- Tobias J. De Villiers (South Africa)
- Manuel Diaz-Curiel (Spain)
- Hans Peter Dimai (Austria)
- Gustavo Duque (Canada)
- Richard Eastell (UK)
- Peter Ebeling (Australia)
- Ghada El-Hajj Fuleihan (Lebanon)
- Abdellah El Maghraoui (Morocco)
- Klaus Engelke (Germany)
- Serge Ferrari (Switzerland)
- Pablo Florenzano (Chile)
- Joseph A. Foldes (Israel)
- Nicholas Fuggle (UK)
- Maria Fusaro (Italy)
- Patrick Garnero (France)
- Claus Glüer (Germany)
- Celia Gregson (UK)
- Giuseppe Guglielmi (Italy)
- Hugo Gutierrez (Mexico)
- Peyman Hadji (Germany)
- Neveen Hamdy (Netherlands)
- Didier Hans (Switzerland)
- Nicholas C. W. Harvey (UK)
- Mickaël Hiligsmann (Netherlands)
- Wolfgang Högler (Austria)
- Gerold Holzer (Austria)
- Muhammad Kassim Javaid (UK)
- Helena Johansson (Sweden)
- Hanne Jørgensen (Denmark)
- Niklas Rye Jørgensen (Denmark)
- John A. Kanis (UK)
- Jean-Marc Kaufman (Belgium)
- Jean-François Kaux (Belgium)
- David Kendler (Canada)
- Aliya Khan (Canada)
- Patricia Khashayar (USA)
- Nancy Lane (USA)
- Bagher Ardeshir Larijani (Iran)
- Sarath Lekamwasam (Sri Lanka)
- Willem Lems (Netherlands)
- William Leslie (Canada)
- Michael Lewiecki (USA)
- Mattias Lorentzon (Sweden)
- Polyzois Makras (Greece)
- Laura Masi (Italy)
- Radmila Matijevic (Serbia)
- Eugene McCloskey (UK)
- Michael McClung (USA)
- Christian Meier (Switzerland)
- Osvaldo D. Messina (Argentina)
- Ambrish Mithal (India)
- Rebecca Moon (UK)
- Jorge Morales-Torres (Mexico)
- Suzanne Morin (Canada)
- Nicola Napoli (Italy)
- Thomas Nickolas (USA)
- Julien Paccou (France)
- Socrates E. Papapoulos (Netherlands)
- Adriana Pedro (Brazil)
- Daniel Pinto (USA)
- Nick Pocock (Australia)
- Daniel Prieto-Alhambra (UK)
- Jean-Yves Reginster (Belgium)
- René Rizzoli (Switzerland)
- Katrine Rubin (Denmark)
- David Scott (Australia)
- Lothar Seefried (Germany)
- Stuart Silverman (USA)
- Andrea Singer (USA)
- Manuel Sosa (Spain)
- Atsushi Suzuki (Japan)
- Pawel Szulc (France)
- Thierry Thomas (France)
- Andrea Trombetti (Switzerland)
- Sansin Tüzün (Turkey)
- Samuel Vasikaran (Australia)
- Kate Ward (UK)
- Wei-bo Xia (China)
- Noriko Yoshimura (Japan)
- Leith Zakraoui (Tunisia)
- Maria Bélen Zanchetta (Argentina)
- Jonathan D. Adachi (Canada)
- Heike Bischoff-Ferrari (Switzerland)
- Jürgen Bauer (Germany)
- Cesar Bogado (Argentina)
- Jean-Philippe Bonjour (Switzerland)
- Narong Bunyaratavej (Thailand)
- Peter Burckhardt (Switzerland)
- Daniel Chappard (France)
- Juliet Compston (UK)
- Hong-Wen Deng (USA)
- Jean-Pierre Devogelaer (Belgium)
- Adolfo Diez-Perez (Spain)
- Martina Dören (Germany)
- John Eisman (Australia)
- Erik F. Eriksen (Norway)
- Patrice Fardellone (France)
- Julio Fernandes (Canada)
- Piet Geusens (Belgium)
- Jörg Goldhahn (Switzerland)
- Shi-fu Guo (China)
- Franz J. Jakob (Germany)
- Robert Josse (Canada)
- Moustapha Kassem (Denmark)
- Marius Kraenzlin (Switzerland)
- Annie Kung (Hong Kong, China)
- Edith Lau (China)
- Hua Lin (China)
- Robert Lindsay (USA)
- Roman S. Lorenc (Poland)
- Paul Lips (Netherlands)
- George P. Lyritis (Greece)
- Jay Magaziner (USA)
- Stefania Maggi (Italy)
- David Marsh (UK)
- Toshio Matsumoto (Japan)
- Paul D. Miller (USA)
- Toshitaka Nakamura (Japan)
- Sergio Ortolani (Italy)
- Eric S. Orwoll (USA)
- Alexandra Papaioannou (Canada)
- Gyula Poor (Hungary)
- Christiane Pouliart (Belgium)
- Jonathon Reeve (UK)
- Ian R. Reid (New Zealand)
- Gregorio Riera Espinoza (Venezuela)
- Johann Ringe (Germany)
- Markus J. Seibel (Australia)
- Alan J. Silman (UK)
- Ethel S. Siris (USA)
- Jan Stepan (Czech Republic)
- Nikhil Tandon (India)
- Rajesh Thakker (UK)
- Nelson B. Watts (USA)
- Christian Wüster (Germany)
- Ling Xu (China)
- José Zanchetta (Argentina)
- Roger Zebaze (Australia)
Members of the Committee of Scientific Advisors are invited to join Working Groups based on their areas of expertise. The objectives of the working groups are to formulate global policy guidance, scientific guidelines and general statements, to advise the Board in scientific matters and to develop educational and research projects of international relevance.
Membership to the CSA is based on scientific merit and offers the opportunity to participate in IOF working groups and multinational research projects. Members are invited to take part in annual business meetings where they can discuss with colleagues new initiatives in the field of osteoporosis and bone disease.
The prerequisites for membership of the CSA are defined as follows:
- Senior track record of achievement
- Adequate English language proficiency
- Publication of scientific papers demonstrating research of international quality
The conditions required to be a candidate for re-election to the CSA (and expectations for all CSA members during their tenure) are defined as follows:
- Participation in the annual CSA membership elections
- Attendance at the annual CSA meeting preceding the WCO-IOF-ESCEO Congress
- Submission of abstract(s) to the WCO-IOF-ESCEO annual Congress
- Review/endorsement of manuscripts presented for CSA approval
- Publications of scientific papers demonstrating recognised research of international quality
To apply for CSA membership, please download and complete the forms below:
- CSA - Membership Renewal Application Form and Guidelines
- CSA - Membership Application Form and Letter of Application
CSA Regulations
Please send the completed application to
The Committee of Corporate Advisors (CCA) is a unique forum composed of a wide and diversified range of companies committed to promoting bone health and improving osteoporosis and fracture prevention and care. Members of the Committee include leading companies in pharmaceuticals, orthopaedic/medical devices, and the food and nutrition industries.
Shireen Bate joins the IOF as the CCA Chair bringing over 25 years of industry experience in Senior leadership roles plus experience as a strategic marketing consultant. Shireen is a collaborative leader with passion for patients and making a difference especially in areas of high unmet need. Her professional background includes sales, marketing, market access, commercial excellence, line management, policy development and working with patient advocacy groups. She has broad commercial expertise across the lifecycle of products from pre-launch to launch; across multiple therapeutic areas (immunology, cardiology, neurology and women’s health), many geographies (North and South America and Europe) and in large, medium and small companies. She joined Theramex (a Women’s Health Company focused in Osteoporosis, Menopause, Contraception and Fertility) in November 2020, grew up in America but now lives in London with her son and husband.
Paola Pisani has over 15 years of experience in the research and development of new advanced medical technologies, clinical studies and scientific writing, with a demonstrated history of working in the medtech R&D field. Dr Pisani is skilled in International Clinical Study Management, Team Motivation and Global marketing of new medical technologies. She also brings deep knowledge of international medical affairs & medical device regulations. She is currently CCMO (Chief Clinical Marketing Officer) of Echolight Spa. Dr Pisani received the M.S. degree in Biology and the Ph.D. in Biology and Biotechnology. She started as research scientist at the National Research Council, Institute of Clinical Physiology (CNR-IFC, Lecce, Italy) from 2012, working in the field of advanced medical diagnostics involved in the investigation of novel nanosystems as cellular and molecular ultrasound contrast agents, and on the development, optimization and clinical validation of new biomedical applications of ultrasound signals for non-invasive monitoring of childbirth labor. From 2012 she is focused on the development and optimization of innovative ultrasound approaches for musculo-skeletal health assessment, including early diagnosis of various pathologies and fracture risk prediction. She received numerous awards and prizes and is author/co-author of more than 150 scientific articles in peer-reviewed journals. Dr Pisani has been member of IOF CCA for many years. She proactively collaborates with IOF Committees in the Scientific organization of the annual WCO-IOF-ESCEO event. She has also an ongoing collaboration with the IOF as member of the PRECCO Consortium (Pre-competitive Consortium on Osteoporosis and Bone Health), an initiative from WHO Collaborating Center for Epidemiology of Musculoskeletal Health and Aging, ESCEO and IOF.
IOF welcomes applications from companies committed to promoting bone, muscle and joint health. Members of the Committee include leading companies in pharmaceuticals, orthopaedic/medical devices, and the food and nutrition industries.
Benefits depend on the category of membership and may include:
CCA membership fees support:
- CCA coordination
- 2 CCA meetings per year: organization and logistics
- Development of integrated regional and targeted strategy
- Enhanced organizational capacity and stability
- Scientific programmes
- WOD advocacy campaign
Partner’s benefits
- Share views and specific topics of concern, such as challenges faced by the osteoporosis field
- Gain advance information about upcoming IOF strategy, operations, campaigns and scientific meetings
- Interact with IOF stakeholders and members of the global musculoskeletal health community
- Consultancy with IOF KOLs
- Access to HCPs and Patients.
- To support an IOF endorsed advocacy tool
- To increase the number of patients diagnosed and treated
- To raise awareness
- Reinforce credibility and commitment in the scientific community
The International Osteoporosis Foundation (IOF) invites companies to enter into a collaborative relationship with IOF, the largest global network of stakeholders involved in the promotion of bone health and the fight against osteoporosis and related diseases. As a CCA Member, your company enjoys exclusive benefits and has a seat at the table of the world’s most influential and respected body in the field. To find out more about our Committee of Corporate Advisors, please contact us.
All IOF projects address unmet needs in the patient journey, aligning with our strategic focus. To enhance clarity, we’ve classified them under a single pillar, acknowledging the synergies between projects and pillars.