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We’re so very proud of the members of IOF’s Committee of Scientific Advisors (CSA). The CSA members, elected to the Committee by their peers, are recognized as leading global experts and key opinion leaders. As shown by recent bibliometric and citation analyses, CSA members dominate top citation rankings in the musculoskeletal field, thus attesting to the influential role of the Foundation in advancing osteoporosis and musculoskeletal disease research; finding consensus and promoting clinical best practice; linking allied disease areas; and advocating for healthcare policy change to benefit people with musculoskeletal diseases.
Leading researcher on the links between Osteoarthritis and Osteoporosis

In a new bibliometric analysis published in Frontiers in Public Health, which mapped knowledge landscapes and emerging trends in research around the links between osteoarthritis and osteoporosis, Professor Jean-Yves Reginster, University of Liège, was identified as having the highest number of publications in this area of research from 1998 to 2021.1 Professor Reginster is Co-Founder and Board member of IOF, where he serves as Chair of the Committee of National Societies (CNS), Executive Committee Member, as well as of member of the CSA. We congratulate Professor Reginster, and his colleagues at the University of Liège, for their outstanding work in this increasingly important area of research.
Members of the Committee of Scientific Advisors dominate the rankings
The platform which objectively ranks people and institutions by their expertise in more than 29,000 biomedical topics has published a list of top-cited experts based on 27,677 eligible articles in the field of osteoporosis.2

IOF President Professor Cyrus Cooper equates to the top-rated expert in Osteoporosis in the world during the years 2012-2022, and has been listed as the top-ranked medical researcher in all fields in the UK.3 Furthermore, 33 current members of IOF’s Committee of Scientific Advisors are listed among the 50 most oft-cited authors in the field of osteoporosis based on research from 2012-2022. These are (in order of ranking): Cooper C (UK), Leslie W (Canada), Lewiecki E (USA), Kanis J (UK), Reginster J-Y (Belgium), Eastell R (UK), McCloskey E (UK), Reid I (New Zealand), Bilezikian J (USA), Miller P (USA), McClung M (USA), Binkley N (USA), Rizzoli R (Switzerland), Brandi M (Italy), Compston J (UK), Lems WF (Netherlands), Abrahamsen B (Denmark), Harvey N (UK), Adachi J (Canada), Ferrari S (Switzerland), Cheung AM (Canada), Watts N (USA), Morin S (Canada), Kendler D (Canada), Dennison E (UK), Chapurlat R (France), Ebeling P (Australia), Diez-Pérez A (Spain), Duque G (Canada), Bruyere O (Belgium), Biver E (Switzerland), Body JJ (Belgium), and Bauer D (USA).
IOF CEO Dr Philippe Halbout stated:
“We congratulate the world-renowned experts within the IOF family on their outstanding scientific contributions. It is gratifying to see that members of IOF’s scientific community and leadership are among the world’s most influential researchers, reflecting IOF’s global impact within the bone and muscle field.”
1. Mapping Knowledge landscapes and emerging trends of the links between osteoarthritis and osteoporosis: A bibliometric analysis. Xin Wan et al. Frontiers in Public Health…;