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Prestigious IOF Olof Johnell Science Award presented to Professor Elaine Dennison
Today, the International Osteoporosis Foundation (IOF) has awarded the IOF Olof Johnell Science Award to Elaine Dennison, Professor of Musculoskeletal Epidemiology and Honorary Consultant in Rheumatology at the MRC Lifecourse Epidemiology Centre, University of Southampton, UK.
Presented annually on the occasion of the World Congress on Osteoporosis, Osteoarthritis and Musculoskeletal Diseases, the IOF Olof Johnell Award recognises individuals who have made outstanding contributions to the field of osteoporosis in a scientific or policy implementation area worldwide. The prestigious Award is named after the late Professor Olof Johnell, a renowned investigator whose legacy includes major contributions to epidemiologic research, guideline development, and healthcare policy in the field of osteoporosis.
IOF President Cyrus Cooper stated:
"I am delighted to present this prestigious Award to Elaine Dennison, who has been a valued colleague for over 25 years. She is an internationally recognized clinician, researcher, and educator who has been Instrumental in driving research in the field of musculoskeletal aging, osteoporosis and metabolic bone diseases. The MRC Lifecourse Epidemiology Centre is privileged to have Professor Dennison on the team."
Elaine Dennison is Professor of Musculoskeletal Epidemiology, MRC Lifecourse Epidemiology Centre, University of Southampton, UK, and Honorary Consultant in Rheumatology within Medicine at the University of Southampton. She was appointed as Director of the Southampton Clinical Academic Training Scheme in 2018 and is an academic representative of the Rheumatology Specialty Advisory Committee (SAC). She has led the Southampton Academic Foundation training programme and served as Training Programme Director for Wessex Rheumatology for five years.
Professor Dennison has worked as principal investigator of many research studies, including the Hertfordshire Cohort Study, and has published more than 400 original scientific publications, mainly in the research field of musculoskeletal aging. She is the recipient of several prestigious awards including the Bronze Clinical Excellence Award, the IOF-ESCEO Pierre Meunier Young Scientist Award, and the Michael Mason Prize, among others. Professor Dennison is a Clinical Member of the Bone Research Society Committee, Chair of the British Society of Rheumatology Biologics Register Steering Committee, and Member of the IOF Committee of Scientific Advisors (CSA). She is Associate Editor of Frontiers in Endocrinology and a member of the Editorial Boards of several journals including Osteoporosis International, Journal of Developmental Health and Adult Disease, and the Clinical Medicine Journal of the Royal College of Physicians.
About the World Congress on Osteoporosis, Osteoarthritis & Musculoskeletal Diseases (WCO-IOF-ESCEO)
Held jointly by IOF and ESCEO, the WCO-IOF-ESCEO annual congress is the world’s largest forum for the presentation of clinical research and new advances in the prevention and management of musculoskeletal disorders, including osteoporosis, osteoarthritis, sarcopenia, and frailty. The WCO-IOF-ESCEO 2022 is held as a virtual Congress. For complete information visit
The WCO-IOF-ESCO 2023 is planned from May 4-7, 2023 in Barcelona, Spain.
About IOF
The International Osteoporosis Foundation (IOF) is the world's largest nongovernmental organization dedicated to the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of osteoporosis and related musculoskeletal diseases. IOF members, including committees of scientific researchers as well as more than 300 patient, medical and research organizations, work together to make fracture prevention and healthy mobility a worldwide heath care priority. @iofbonehealth
The European Society for Clinical and Economic Aspects of Osteoporosis, Osteoarthritis and Musculoskeletal Diseases (ESCEO) is a non-profit organization, dedicated to a close interaction between clinical scientists dealing with rheumatic disorders, pharmaceutical industry developing new compounds in this field, regulators responsible for the registration of such drugs and health policymakers, to integrate the management of osteoporosis and osteoarthritis within the comprehensive perspective of health resources utilization. The objective of ESCEO is to provide practitioners with the latest clinical and economic information, allowing them to organize their daily practice, from an evidence-based medicine perspective, with a cost-conscious perception.