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The platform now contains all the most up-to-date, freely available FRAX calculators and provides access to an individualised FRAX account for storage of FRAX calculations.

It has been over 15 years since the launch of FRAX® (
In that time the FRAX® fracture risk assessment tool has evolved from a tool that initially provided risk assessment calculators calibrated for only 9 countries (a total of 12 models taking into account ethnicity models in the US) to recently providing calculators calibrated for over 80 countries in all regions of the world.
The FRAX website alone has conducted almost 45.5 million calculations in the last 13 years.
FRAX users around the world will now benefit from several important new developments, which include:
- The recently launched parallel website (, an important step in bringing the web platform into the modern era, is both visually appealing and usable across a wide range of devices.
- The new website now contains the most up-to-date FRAX calculators, freely available, and also provides access to an individualised FRAX account for storage of FRAX calculations.
- The new platform also provides fee-based access to modifications of the FRAX probability outputs for additional information about a number of risk factors, notably, recency of fracture and falls in the previous year (among others).
- Currently, the FRAXplus® website is only available in an English language version but we look forward to updating the platform to other languages in the coming months, at the end of which the old FRAX website will be retired.
It’s an exciting new era for FRAX!