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All-Russian Children’s Drawing Competition "My Parents and I: a healthy and strong family!”

For the seventh time in a row, the Russian Osteoporosis Patient Society “Osteorus” is holding an all-Russian children's drawing contest that is carried out in stages based on osteoporosis centers across regions.
The theme of the competition takes into account the annual themes of the International Osteoporosis Foundation (IOF) World Osteoporosis Day (WOD) campaign, which is celebrated on October 20.
This year, the WOD theme is on the family aspect of osteoporosis, i.e. the burden on the patient and on family caregivers, as well as the role of bone-healthy life-style on skeletal health at all stages of life. Therefore, the objectives of the Children's Competition 2020 are to inform children, their parents and grandparents about the causes, signs and consequences of osteoporosis, a serious and disabling disease that causes bone fractures with minimal trauma and, as a result, leads to chronic pain and even premature death. The goal is also to draw the attention of society, healthcare professionals and authorities to this disease and to help children aspire to a healthy lifestyle.

The children's drawing contest: "My Parents and I: a Healthy and Strong Family!"
The focus of the jury's attention is reflected in the works of the participants: to prevent osteoporosis in childhood and adolescence with an emphasis on regular exercise and healthy nutrition, rich in calcium, protein and vitamin D. An important educational task is to discover and develop the creative potential of children's personality through the contest. Therefore, the contest was named "My Parents and I: a Healthy and Strong Family!” Usually, the final summarizing events for children and adults are held in person, with the presentation of gifts, certificates and diplomas. Taking into account the difficult situation with the pandemic and restrictions of meetings and events, the jury had to change the format of the awarding event. But the tradition remained unchanged: the best drawings are used as illustrations for the annual calendar, which has become the visiting card of "Osteorus" in Russia and in the world. The calendar also features recommendations on prevention and treatment of osteoporosis, healthy lifestyle, nutrition habits, etc. which are recommended by the medical experts of the Russian Association On Osteoporosis (RAOP). View more drawings below...
Children's School on Osteoporosis Prevention
As we all know, the foundation for osteoporosis prevention starts in childhood when children build peak bone mass, and learn how to maintain strong bones for life. For several years there has been a unique “Children's School on Osteoporosis Prevention” in Russia. In the framework of WOD every year in October, lessons on healthy bones are held at schools, some orphanages, kindergartens and after-school institutions. Children listen to lectures, ask questions and receive answers from doctors and osteoporosis activists. For example, this year "Health Lessons" were held at schools in Yaroslavl, where children drew posters and made bookmarks for their older family members. In such a creative form children learn more about osteoporosis prevention. During the lessons the IOF Osteoporosis recommendations, booklets, leaflets and videos were used and the IOF Quiz "Quick Osteoporosis Quiz for Kids" is completed.
This year the contest jury expressed its gratitude to all those who took part in the organizing work in the 'Letter of Gratitude' for the lively interest in the topic of osteoporosis and the educational mission.
"Osteorus" is grateful to the IOF team for providing the valuable materials for WOD 2020 which are being successfully used in all activities.