Key Statistics for Oceania
- In 2001 it was estimated that nearly 2 million Australians had osteoporosis conditions [1]Access Economics Pty Limited, Canberra ACT for Osteoporosis Australia: The Burden of Brittle Bones: Costing Osteoporosis in Australia. 2001 [Accessed 26.02.2019];
See link.
- In 2012, 4.7 million individuals had osteoporosis, osteopenia or poor bone health, representing 66% of individuals in the age group of 50 years or older [2]International Osteoporosis Foundation: The Asia-Pacific Regional Audit - Epidemiology, costs and burden of osteoporosis in 2013. 2013;
See link[3]Osteoporosis Australia: Osteoporosis costing all Australians - A new burden of disease analysis - 2012 to 2022. 2012 [Accessed 22.02.2019];
See link.
- From 2011-2012, an estimated 652,500 Australians over the age of 50 were diagnosed with osteoporosis, among them, 81% were women [4]Australian Institute of Health and Welfare: Estimating the prevalence of osteoporosis. 2014. Cat. no. PHE 178 Canberra: AIHW [Accessed 26.02.2019];
See link.
- By 2022, it is estimated that 6.2 million Australians over the age of 50 years will have osteoporosis or osteopenia, representing an increase of 31% from 2012 [3]Osteoporosis Australia: Osteoporosis costing all Australians - A new burden of disease analysis - 2012 to 2022. 2012 [Accessed 22.02.2019];
See link.
- In the early 2000’s the lifetime risk of osteoporosis fracture after 50 years of age: 42% in women, 27% in men. There were 20,000 hip fractures per year in Australia (increasing by 40% each decade) and total costs relating to osteoporosis were at $7.4 billion per year of which $1.9 billion were direct costs [5]Sambrook, P.N., et al., Preventing osteoporosis: outcomes of the Australian Fracture Prevention Summit. Med J Aust, 2002. 176 Suppl: p. S1-16.
- In the year 2007 it was estimated that just over 70,000 people over 50 years were diagnosed with osteoporosis, almost 90% of them being female. It is estimated that the actual prevalence of osteoporosis may be higher than reported [2]International Osteoporosis Foundation: The Asia-Pacific Regional Audit - Epidemiology, costs and burden of osteoporosis in 2013. 2013;
See link[6]Brown, P., McNeill, R, Radwan, E & Willingale, J The Burden of Osteoporosis in New Zealand 2007-2020 for Osteoporosis New Zealand Inc. 2007;
See link.
- There were an estimated 84,000 osteoporosis fractures in 2007, of which 5% are attributable to hip fractures and with 60% of the total fractures occurring in women; the total cost of osteoporosis is estimated to be over $1.15 billion per year [6]Brown, P., McNeill, R, Radwan, E & Willingale, J The Burden of Osteoporosis in New Zealand 2007-2020 for Osteoporosis New Zealand Inc. 2007;
See link.
Access Economics Pty Limited, Canberra ACT for Osteoporosis Australia: The Burden of Brittle Bones: Costing Osteoporosis in Australia. 2001 [Accessed 26.02.2019];
See link2.
International Osteoporosis Foundation: The Asia-Pacific Regional Audit - Epidemiology, costs and burden of osteoporosis in 2013. 2013;
See link3.
Osteoporosis Australia: Osteoporosis costing all Australians - A new burden of disease analysis - 2012 to 2022. 2012 [Accessed 22.02.2019];
See link4.
Australian Institute of Health and Welfare: Estimating the prevalence of osteoporosis. 2014. Cat. no. PHE 178 Canberra: AIHW [Accessed 26.02.2019];
See link6.
Brown, P., McNeill, R, Radwan, E & Willingale, J The Burden of Osteoporosis in New Zealand 2007-2020 for Osteoporosis New Zealand Inc. 2007;
See link